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Bio degradeur 250 ml (liquid)
BioDégradeur Reef Evolution BioDégradeur is the ideal product to seed your aquarium.
It clarifies the water and limits the algae growth. It stabilises the biotope which is essential for the well-being of your aquarium or pond. Bacteria mixture to reduce the concentration of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate in freshwater, seawater and garden ponds.
Instructions for use : Bio-Dégradeur contains a mixture of various non-pathogenic and non-toxic bacteria. They eliminate a number of proteins and fatty acids caused by uneaten food, and help breakdown organic wastes, the source of cloudy water. Bio-Degrader also contains probiotics, micro-organisms that have a beneficial effect on health and combat pathogenic microbes. In a newly installed aquarium, nitrifying bacteria are not in sufficient numbers. In order to speed up the maturation process, we recommend that you double or triple the basic dose for 2 to 4 days, depending on the type of biological filtration employed. Two strains of bacteria denitrify the silt sediments in anaerobic conditions. Maximum activity takes place between 5° and 35°C. Optimum pH is between 4.5 and 8.5.
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